Students with hearing loss

A study from The University of Melbourne (Charlesworth, Charlesworth,  Raban, and Rickards 2006) quantitatively analyzed the structure of Reading Recovery lessons for children with hearing loss by examining and comparing the supportive interactions of three Reading Recovery teachers. Reading Recovery was shown to be a successful literacy intervention for children with hearing loss.

Students with autism

Swartz presented his study around instructional methods for teaching children with autism at the International Conference on Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, Stockholm, Sweden.

He highlights two methods, including Reading Recovery, that have the rigor in content yet are adaptable to meet individual needs. He argues that there is a considerable body of scientific research that identifies effective ways to teach students how to read (National Reading Panel, 2001).

Five areas of instruction have been identified that are critical elements to success in teaching reading and with students with autism consideration must be given to the reading process and to teaching methods that are flexible enough to accommodate individual characteristics.

Teachers that use prescriptive teaching methods or systems might find these too inflexible for the accommodations needed for use with children with autism. Teaching methods in literacy learning that can be readily modified to meet the individual needs of children and give wide discretion to teacher decision-making are more likely to be successful.

Two methods to support literacy learning were examined. Reading Recovery (Clay, 1979; 1985) was used as an individual intervention, and Guided Reading (Swartz, Shook, & Klein, 2003a) was used both in individual and small group applications. Both provided needed flexibility for students with autism, yet also address the five essential areas of instruction.  Based on the outcomes for these participants in this study both teaching methods can be recommended for use with children with autism.

Non-English speaking students

Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL)  Intervention

Although the theoretical principles that underlie Reading Recovery are the same for DLL, procedural and training issues differ because English and Spanish function differently as languages. Therefore, if candidates initially are trained in Reading Recovery in English, they must receive an additional year of training to serve Spanish-speaking students.

If the teachers or teacher leaders are initially trained in Spanish, they must receive an additional year of training to serve English-speaking students.

Outcomes are comparable to outcomes for Reading Recovery students. Approximately 75% of students with a complete DLL intervention reach grade-level expectations.
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