Original reports from four years of development and field trial research in New Zealand are republished along with two follow-up studies, an analysis of lesson content, a three-year follow-up, and a subgroups study (pp. 35-100).

Watson, B., & Askew, B. (Eds.). (2009). Boundless horizons: Marie Clay’s search for the possible in children’s literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

National Centre on Intensive Intervention again documents validity and reliability for “An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement”. It has again been reviewed and rated as a screening tool and was given a classification accuracy in identifying at-risk students in the Fall or Winter of first grade based on a nationally representative sample. The assessment also demonstrated strong reliability and validity. The current Academic Screening Tools Chart updates a 2011 review by the National Centre on Response to Intervention (NCRTI), when the Observation Survey also received highest ratings of Convincing Evidence.

Technical Review Committee Confirms Highest NCRTI Ratings for Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement