Original reports from four years of development and field trial research in New Zealand are republished along with two follow-up studies, an analysis of lesson content, a three-year follow-up, and a subgroups study (pp. 35-100).
Watson, B., & Askew, B. (Eds.). (2009). Boundless horizons: Marie Clay’s search for the possible in children’s literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
National Centre on Intensive Intervention again documents validity and reliability for “An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement”. It has again been reviewed and rated as a screening tool and was given a classification accuracy in identifying at-risk students in the Fall or Winter of first grade based on a nationally representative sample. The assessment also demonstrated strong reliability and validity. The current Academic Screening Tools Chart updates a 2011 review by the National Centre on Response to Intervention (NCRTI), when the Observation Survey also received highest ratings of Convincing Evidence.