Current Research and Links to Studies
Over decades of research and evaluation results, Reading Recovery is the world’s most widely studied early reading intervention program. The effects of Reading Recovery have been examined in high-quality experimental and numerous qualitative studies.
Reading Recovery appears to be effective in supporting the literacy development and educational achievement of children taking part (Ministry of Ed. NZ. 2020) and is an “effective intervention improving short term reading outcomes among poorest performing readers, which is the intention of the intervention. (NSW Ed. Dept (Bradford & Wan CESE. 2015)
Research studies in this section have been published in peer-reviewed journals or are peer-reviewed conference presentations.

Laying the Foundation of Connection to School
This summary report details the preliminary findings from a study that aimed to better understand the impact of Reading Recovery, as a literacy intervention, on improving school connectedness in the early years. read more

WWC Intervention Report
Reading Recovery received the highest rating in general reading achievement, and positive or potentially positive ratings across all domains of early reading achievement examined in the review. read more

An Evaluation of the Four-Year i3 Scale-Up
“The growth rate we observed in students who participated in Reading Recovery over approximately a five-month period was 131 percent of the national average rate for 1st-grade students.” read more

Australasian Context
Research and studies conducted by governmental and educational organisations and teachers in Australia and New Zealand. read more

International Research
Overseas reports of Reading Recovery studies. read more

Research Underpinning Lessons
Original reports from four years of development and field trial research along with two follow-up studies. read more

Cost Effectiveness
Reports studying the cost effectiveness, including the use of teacher time, of the Reading Recovery program. read more

Transferrable Model
Studies on using the Reading Recovery program for students with hearing loss, students with autism and non-English speaking students. read more

Response to Critics
Although critics often quote research, advocates can be confident that the vast majority of research evidence supports Reading Recovery. These links provide needed detail to respond to those critics. read more

Other Research Sites
see resources and other links